All vatniks shall be bonked!

A decentralized group of volunteers fighting russian propaganda and disinformation using fact-checking and memes.

What is NAFO?

What is NAFO?

Fighting propaganda

The Czech group NAFO is fighting propaganda, especially that disseminated by pro-Russian actors on the internet and during current protest events and demonstrations. Our main weapon is the use of humour, memes and active participation on platforms such as Twitter (X), where we systematically confront Russian disinformation campaigns.


We are involved in a number of initiatives to support Ukraine. We provide material assistance through banner fundraisers, including the purchase of sophisticated medical equipment and consumer/medical supplies. We are active in many collections for military and humanitarian aid.



Do you like what we do? Come join us! Donate to one of the pro-Ukrainian collections, apply for your Fella, and start helping with us! Challenge pro-Russian narratives, participate in collections, and join one of the most successful global movements in the world. And above all, help Ukraine with us!

How to join?

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